Build food secured and resilient communities with us

Core Areas of Focus

Our programmes are centered on enabling smallholder farm households to increase their income and promote action initiatives.

Our Mission

To achieve rural Household resilience through food and nutrition security and access to agricultural market solutions

Our Vision​

AIM’s vision is to have well Positioned rural farm households with increased income, sustainable economic growth, and better livelihoods.

Why is Agri Impact Malawi working with rural farm households?

Despite Agriculture being the pillar of Malawi’s economy and the rural population’s livelihood, the agriculture sector faces challenges such as poor management of land, water, and soils, low adoption of agricultural technologies, and limited access to finance facilities and farm inputs.
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Agriculture accounts for approximately 30% of Malawi's GDP.
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Smallholder farmers produce about 80% of the Malawi's food.
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Only 10% of Malawi's rural farmers population has access to markets.

Our Core Values


. We act with integrity and honesty in accordance with the highest professional and ethical standards.


We respect and honour the dignity of each person, embrace civil discourse, and foster a diverse and inclusive community.


We act responsibly and are accountable for our decisions, actions, and consequences.


We work together to improve our organisation and the communities we serve.


We seek and create new knowledge and understanding to benefit our communities, society, and the environment.


We strive for excellence in all our endeavors as individuals, an institution in higher education.

Activity Spotlight

Explore some of our activities in pictures.


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